Implementation of Sustainable Land Use in Integrated Environmental Management of Functional Urban Areas

The main aim of the project was to respond and contribute to solving urban land management problems visible in growing negative phenomena such as urban sprawl, soil sealing, still existing brownfields and climate change threats, as a consequence of all above-mentioned problems.

The LUMAT project has indicated how to make some steps forward to get closer to achieve the objectives included in the EU strategic documents concerning “zero land take until 2050”.

The LUMAT project objective is the implementation of Sustainable Land use Stategies to be applyed in 7 Central European Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) with shared transnationa territorial and scientific competence.
The LUMAT approach includes planning strategies with innovative technology supported by citizen participation.
The main LUMAT’s purpose is the integration of environmental methods and tools referred to land as a resource with the land use management and planning in FUAs.

It was an answer to the priority concerning environmental resources in general. LUMAT has also contributed to better understanding and perceiving land and soil as environmental resources, to be protected and managed in a sustainable way.

The LUMAT results show the ways to manage, what methods and tools are useful and how they can be used.
However, it should be stressed that another effect of the project has very clearly appeared , which is a significant contribution to the climate change adaptation methods and activities.

It can be  compared to a climate interactive approach which is using term of “multi-solving”, when people pool expertise, funding, and political will to solve multiple problems with a single investment of time and money.

It is an approach with great relevance in this era of complex, interlinked, social and environmental challenges.

Anna Starzewska-Sikorska - IETU
LUMAT project Coordinator

results in numbers


trained persons


Pilot Actions







Interactive Visualization Tool for Citizens Involvement: InViTo (link)

InViTo online Tutorial (link)


Start Date

1 MAY 2016

End Date

31 July 2019
