“Soil, Environment and Humans between Urban and Rural”: LUMAT presented at the Geo-colloquium in Freiberg


The German LUMAT partners were invited to present the LUMAT project to the public at the Saxonian Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) sponsored Geo-colloquium on the 8th of February 2018 in Freiberg, Germany.

The content of the presentation focused on: 

• concrete results achieved in the LUMAT project for the pilot Functional Urban Area of Leipzig, 
• current news on political developments in Germany related to soil protection, and 
• gathering of input from a discussion round with all present.  

The forum was an opportunity for LUMAT to engage with those interested in the project: local planning officials, residents, state level experts, and many more target groups. Opinions were exchanged on the importance of soil protection and ways of achieving sustainable land management in the future. The presentation was successful in providing example to the importance of soil and land for eco-system services and the achievements made so far in the Leipzig region for strengthening integrated environmental management with stakeholder involvement. The LUMAT representatives will take into consideration the input received during the event during action implementation and in the future will engage again in dialog with the public.