Seminar in Ostrava
On the 5-th of October the seminar concerning brownfields problems and their potential has taken place in the Technical University in Ostrava. The LUMAT partner – Institute for Sustainable Development of Settlements was one of the seminar organizers.
The seminar agenda included the presentation of the LUMAT project by the project co-ordinator dr Anna Starzewska-Sikorska as well as the introduction to the concept of the investment in Ruda Śląska as one of the project activities presented by Ms. Anna Grzybowska from the City of Ruda Śląska.
Also representative of the LUMAT partner – Regional Development Agency in Ostrava – Mr. Jiri Stepan has presented the role of brownfields in the development of the Moravska Gate Corridor.
During the seminar the results of the competition on the best diploma in the field of land development have been announced and the prizes given to the winners. The competition was organized in honour of Ms Jirina Bergatt Jackson – the person very well known by the most of the LUMAT partners as the partner of the CIRCUSE project. It was the last project she has been the partner of before she died in 2014.
After the seminar a meeting of several LUMAT project partners took place. It was devoted to the discussion of current issues connected with the project management and implementation of the workapackages WP T1 (training seminars and methodology) and T2 (action plans for integrated environmental management in functional urban areas).