Chieri – Turin: Technical Meetings with Local Stakeholders


Italian partners, SiTI and Metropolitan City of Torino, are organizing a series of meetings with local stakeholders and public officials of the Pilot Functional Urban Area.

The objective  of the meetings, held in the town hall of the city of Chieri, is to develop a joint Action Plan for the Pilot Area, located in the south east part of the metropolitan area of Torino, namely “Zona Omogenea 11 Chierese-Carmagnolese”.

During the last meeting, held on June 22, 2017, local stakeholders, policy makers, public officers and technicians of the Public Administration, were involved in the presentation and discussion of a SWOT analysis focused on their FUA. The meeting provided the opportunity to share opinions and visions on the future of the area,  identifying risks and opportunities for three different main fields of action identified:

  • environmental resources;
  • industries and brownfields;
  • cultural heritage and tourism.

During the meeting, all the argumentations were collected and resumed in a shared document oriented to the identification of the main opportunities for the development of the whole area.