Lasowiak Heart saves the life

Current situation in the world is really difficult because of pandemic situation. Our project still is workingon promotingans protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage. As you remember, I presentedyou the organizer of the first polishcrowdfunding campaign - Ga Mon Fundation. The presentation of their campaign may be found HERE

I hope that soon, all of us will be able to run all campaigns without any problems. But that's not the thing that I'd like to share with you now. At the beginning let me give you some info about the Fundation itself and its funder. The Cooperative Founder is a creative and ambitious person. She has all required qualifications and skills that are necessary to run a social enterprise. The foundation's task is to fill a niche that occurs in the region while being a precursor on the market. The idea to create a social enterprise was born after getting to know the market and on the basis of numerous contacts with people, entrepreneurs and labor offices. The originator found out that there is a high demand for dressmakers (women). The profession of tailor died out when the vocational schools in Tarnobrzeg or Sandomierz were closed.


Lasowiack design is very artistically attractive for the GA MON Foundation. The Foundation wants to translate the richness of the Lasowiak culture into everyday language: patterns, colors, including characteristic lasowiackie embroidery in colors such as white, black, red it adds to the dresses it designs. The Foundation's regular offer includes stylish day clothes: dresses, coats, shirts with regional elements on the cuffs, which are sold on site and in the future also online. The most famous item that is characteristic for this culture is theheart. 


Now, the Fundation is running a great action - they are sewing protective masks for hospitals that are really necessary at the moment. It's a great example that shows how warm this Lasowiak heart is. Girls are working really hard in their workshop to produce as many masks as they only can.


As they write: "We're in the studio and you # stay home. Just remember about our #poLasowiack action, which is still ongoing"


As you can see,with their activity- they may give a lot of goodto the world. Don't forget to support their activity by donating to their campaign. At the end, I'd like to thank to the fundator for sharing pictures. Fingers crossed <3