“I think that INNO-WISEs will help us get the right information at the right time, saving energy and time.”

Giusi Biaggi, is the Vice-President and coordinator for foreign minors area at Nazareth, a WISE active in the field of solidarity and which carries out activities of planning, implementation, management of educational and welfare services aimed primarily at children and families.
Which is your role and duties in Nazareth? Which previous experience are you bringing in and which new competences are hoping to acquire thanks to INNO-WISEs?
I am the responsible manager of the Organic and Social Agriculture area at Nazareth. Nazareth is WISE based in Cremona, Italy. My work consists in supervising the business process, with particular attention to the colleagues that work along the different segments of the supply chain, e.g. farm production, agro-food processing at the penitentiary in Cremona, marketing activities in the short supply chain (markets, shops, home deliveries) and commercial collaborations (distribution to other producers and to solidarity supply chains)
We have been involved in the INNO-WISEs project thanks to CGM and I hope that thanks to the INNO-WISEs efforts, I will improve my ability to solve the small and the bigger problems we find in our daily activities.

How do you think to use the tools and competences gained through the project and how do you think they will improve your day-by-day skills and in general you WISEs competitiveness?
I think that INNO-WISEs will help us get the right information at the right time, saving energy and time. We will have a wider awareness of the many opportunities available, and being immediately able to compare offers, quality and prices of services.
What dream do you have for the future of your social enterprise?
My dream, our dream, is to make Nazareth to be auto-financing, generate good revenue and start new activities for a greater and better social inclusion.

Why do you find the project interesting and decided to participate to the experimental phase (pilot action)?
I find INNO-WISEs interesting because it help us grow in a contemporary dimension where is necessary keeping up.
How would you evaluate the advantage for your WISE to create link to other European social enterprises and to participate together to a project to improve your skills and competiveness on the market?
It is essential to make known our products and above all to build a network in these days.