National Water Management Authority, Poland

Project Partner 10

The President of the National Water Management Authority is a central administrative body responsible for water conservation, and especially for water management and water use. The responsibilities of the President of the National Water Management Authority include in particular:

* developing the national water and environmental programme,

* preparing draft proposals of the river basin water management plans,

* developing draft proposals of flood protection and drought prevention plans to be implemented on the national territory, including the division into river basin districts,

* harmonizing the draft proposals of the conditions for the use of waters in the water region in question,

* keeping water inventory of the national territory, including the division into river basin districts,

* supervising the performance of Directors of the Regional Water Management Boards and in particular, controlling their activities, approving their activity plans and the relevant reports on implementation thereof as well as giving orders to carry out immediate checks of water management within selected river basin districts,

* supervising the performance of the national hydrological and meteorological and hydrogeological services,

* representing the State Treasury in water management issues in relation to the property owned by it, as specified in the Water Act,

* programming, planning and supervision of the implementation of tasks related to the conservation of water and water works and water management investments,

* harmonising the aspects of water management in the draft proposals of the priority programme lists under the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

* The budget share allocated to water management and managed by the President of the National Water Management Authority is used to finance:

* the activities of national hydrological and meteorological and hydrogeological services,

* maintenance, reconstruction, expansion and dismantling of the basic observation and measurement network of national hydrological and meteorological services as well as the system of data collection, processing and exchange,

* maintenance, reconstruction, expansion and dismantling of hydrogeological gauge instruments used by national hydrogeological services,

* the activities and development of methodology units,

* preparation of hydrological and meteorological as well as hydrogeological data and information

* preparation and publication of warnings, general forecasts as well as hydrological and meteorological reports and bulletins, and also hydrological, meteorological and hydrogeological yearbooks.

Thorough cooperation with other project partners. KZGW - National Water Management Authority -will be responsible for management of Work Package 3 – Synopsis: Vision and Guidance. Outcome of WP3 - CE Transnational Guide towards Optimal Water Regime (GOWARE) - is crucial for the project. It will summarize a common methodology and a vision for integrated management for water protection in the participating regions and will provide the overall frame for the implementation of best practices. GOWARE vision will support project partners in preparing adequate information transfer to stakeholders and will provide a plan for implementation of sustainable land-use management in participating regions beyond lifetime.

Contact Person: Norbert Jazwinski