Silesian Waterworks PLC, Poland

Project Partner 11

Silesian Waterworks PLC, called GPW, is a company which deals with withdrawal, treating, storing and sale of drinking water to almost 3 000 000 inhabitants. The mission is to ensure a security system of water supply in the area of Upper Silesia and Western Małopolska.

An extensive ring system of water supply, based on 900 km long pipe network, and a treatment system have operated successfully for over 130 years.

GPW is interested in use of not only surface water, but also groundwater. It manages two water reservoirs: Kozłowa Góra and Goczałkowice reservoirs, which are not only sources for drinking water, but also important flood control objects.

In the company water is treated using modern methods and processes. System bases on inter-reservoir transfers, the use of the latest technologies and complex water treatment approach enables an efficient delivery of water with parameters fulfilling the requirements of the European Union. The amount of water which is produced every day in 2 big treatment systems and 9 water treatment plants is around 400 000 m3.

Silesian Waterworks PLC has an experience in projects supported from the EU funds. It was a strategic partner of ZiZOZap project.

The role of the Silesian Waterworks PLC in the project will be an elaboration and verification of the innovative management tools that will be used in order to:

  • improve the quality of raw water and the quality of water purified for human consumption
  • improve the health of ecosystems of the water basin and to work out the best methods of the reservoir protection.
  • optimize water withdrawal in protected zones and fishery management on water dam reservoirs towards maintaining proper water quality,
  • modelling of brackish reed bed zones to remove excessive biogenic substances, establishing the areas proper for tourism and recreation.

Contact Person: Joanna Czekaj