Municipality of the City of Vienna, MA31, Austria

Project Partner 2

Vienna Water is a department of the Municipality of the City of Vienna.  The department is responsible for the drinking water supply of Vienna with some 1.8 Mio. inhabitants.

The tapped springs are located in the Northern Alps. Hydrogeologically they constitute karstic aquifers. Karstic aquifers are hydrogeologically characterised by a high vulnerability and distinct system processes.

Erosion and infiltration are two processes which have impacts on water quality and quantity. Both processes are determined by a number of parameters like precipitation, precipitation history, soil, slope, vegetation cover and geological aspects.

In order to better understand and assess the prevailing processes and their interdependencies a survey will be performed. Data already collected and methods already developed will be used for this task. The outputs and outcome of this survey will help to assess the impacts of land-use activities in general.

The vulnerability of karstic aquifers is susceptible in different ways to threats (hazards) posed by specific land-use activities or natural disasters.

The planned activities of PP2 in the project PROLINE-CE will support the implementation of tailor-made measures in order to better protect water resources and environmental services.

The survey of the surface run-off in the pilot area of Vienna Water will also contribute to a better understanding for the implementation of non-structural flood mitigation measures.

Contact Person: Gerhard Kuschnig