University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering and Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Slovenia
Project Partner 4
The University of Ljubljana (UL) is a public autonomous educational, scientific research and artistic institution of higher education with 23 faculties and 3 art academies . In the PROLINE-CE project two faculties of the University of Ljubljana are involved: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (NTF) and Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (FGG).
The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering - Department of Geology priority activity is education in engineering, technical and practical knowledge of geology. The PROLINE-CE team primary field of research is water resources (management and protection), groundwater dynamics, contaminant hydrology, karst hydrology and natural geological and anthropogenic hazards.
The Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering - Department of Environmental Civil Engineering priority activity is education in the fields of civil engineering and environmental engineering. The PROLINE-CE team primary field of occupation is water management connecting all engineering aspects of water – hydrological modelling, hydraulic modelling, water use, water infrastructure, waste water and drinking water management.
UL is cooperating in the project as research institution and will be actively involved in all work packages of the PROLINE-CE project. UL will lead thematic work package WP T.2, where the strategies and good practices will be implemented in selected pilot areas. Based on extensive knowledge in the field of water resources and flood management and experiences on leading of many national and EU projects, UL will successfully lead the work within the project and will contribute significantly to the achievement of the project goals. Its experts will be actively involved in the review and discussions of existing strategies and management plans and in the preparation of documents and guides regarding the sustainable land use and spatial plans in terms of water resources protection and flood mitigation.
Contact Person: Barbara Čenčur Curk
Photo © Željko Stevanić