Herman Ottó Institute Ltd., Environmental Directorate, Hungary

Project Partner 14 (former partner 6)

HOI as a project partner shall participate in all administrative and thematic work packages of the project. In WP T.1 HOI will take part in the peer review process of the state-of-the-art water management practices and of the best management practices for drinking water supply issues, participate in the identification of strategies and measures to be integrated into existing policy guidelines, by reviewing the national practice in these fields and the previous project results. In WP T.2 HOI will assist OVF in the Hungarian pilot activities in the fields of the land use management measure. The tasks in WP T.3 will be translation of the results from the preceding WPs into the common methodology & guidance, contribution to the development and collection of recommended measures for the four ecosystem types, to the identification and assessment of the possibilities of funding the ecosystem services, to elaboration of the transnational adaptation plan for implementing efficient land use management measures, and in the development of recommendations regarding the policies to follow and the organizational structures to set up in Hungary, and finally contribution to the preparation of the CE Transnational Guide. In WP T.4 HOI shall participate in the transnational events (panel discussions and workshops) to facilitate the transfer of the project results to the stakeholders, and to foster the process of signature (by notable national representatives) a Drinking Water/Floods/Land-Use Charta, a joint declaration on integrating land-use and flood/drought management measures for the protection of drinking water resources.

The expected benefit for HOI from participating in the project is getting to know about the best, state-of-the-art practices in the water-related land use management practices in the CE countries, the knowledge transfer coming from the joint professional activities undertaken by the partners.

Contact Person: Barbara Bezegh
