Peer learning and networking activities are involving PROSPECT2030 partners

The international online workshop “Energy Policies and Innovative Projects in Piemonte”, organized by Piemonte Region in the framework of the Interreg Europe SHREC project, offered a valuable opportunity to introduce PROSPECT2030 to a selected audience of more than 50 energy experts coming from 12 European Countries and to involve some partners in peer learning activities.  

From Hydrogen to biomass, from district heating to energy communities, from the managing of the ERDF to Energy Performance Contracts, from energy retrofitting of residential buildings to the production of biomethane coming from waste: how is Piedmont being engaged to face the path towards the Green Deal? All these topics were accurately illustrated by a group of Piedmontees stakeholders and discussed during dedicated sessions.

The peer learning activity has been focused mainly on two of the topics. ACEA, energy and environment public company settled in Pinerolo, presented the first plant in Italy producing pipeline biomethane from municipal organic waste and injecting it into the natural gas distribution network connected with houses, shops, small industries of the territory and, above all, the fuel stations methane for cars. Polythecnic of Torino illustrated the Torino District Heating System, the largest one in Italy and one of the largest in Europe, a network which currently serves about 500,000 people, with an extent larger than 500 km of dual piping. In both cases debates were focused on exchange of experience with other participants and on future perspectives for these systems.

The workshop represented not only the opportunity to share the excellence and innovative projects of Piemonte, but also to continue the fruitful networking and synergic activity with other European projects like SHREC, whose overall objective is to improve regional and national policies increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in the overall energy mix and encouraging and facilitating the production and use of renewables by businesses, communities and households aiming at a less carbon intensive energy future. 

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