RES incentivation and integration
Mutual learning sessions ongoing
The end of 2020 has been very fruitful for the PROSPECT2030 partnership! We’ve been able to organize two online peer-to-peer learning sessions covering different topics concerning energy and its central role in the transition towards a low-carbon economy. These peer sessions aim at sharing experiences and transfering knowledge, to deepen mechanism an technicalities: apart from transfering the internal consortium knowledge, we're selecting best practices and interesting cases in Central Europe and elsewhere in order to bring external experience and increase the level of innovation in the project consortium.
More than 45 participants attended the sessions organized by Hungarian AACM Central Europe consulting group and Croatian Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, in collaboration with Polish Mazovia Energy Agency.
On December 15th, 7 different speakers from 5 different partners presented their respectives topics and practices. The first four interventions focused on financial practices for RES incetivation, innovative financing schemes and the management of ERDF, summarizing as well the learned outcomes of past experiences. After that, the last three presentations ranged over various areas of interest, such as fostering innovation in Smart Mobility, an insightful techno-economical comparison of energy storage technologies and the early development stages of Energy Communities in Piemonte Region.
Two days later, four additional presentations added up on the previous PPL session. The first two, coming from the Croatian Energy Institute and the University of Zagreb, focused on the impact of RES integration on the electrical infrastructure and the future developments of the grid. In fact, in order to achieve high RES penetration into our future energy systems, accurate planning and international cooperation are needed to spend funds wisely. Ancillary services for frequency control is also a key point in order to avoid blackouts and huge economic losses across the continent.
- FLEXIGRID and ATTEST are two projects that are being carried on with the purpose of supporting and securing the operations of future electrical grids. Last, from Germany, two more presentations introduce the idea of Net-Zero energy factories and villages, with the second one considering social aspects besides the more common techno-economic ones.
Go to the full PPL session schedule and find out our next appointments!