Replicant partners general meeting
We are transferring good practices and recommendations on energy planning with a new training course
We are preparing to start a new activity within PROSPECT2030 project! In December we launched an open call to reach out and engage “replicant partners”, and now we are ready to start sharing experience and knowledge in a dedicated training course. The aim of the upcoming workshops is to transfer the project’s approaches and methods, and to spread project outputs.
This activity has been revised in the light of the current difficulties caused by the pandemic. Instead of assigning each interested institution to a project partner and due to the impossibility to physically visit each other, we decided to structure thematic online workshops in which each partner will present a specific topic.
The workshops will focus on the following topics:
- 1. Energy planning and energy transition
- 2. Energy efficiency in buildings
- 3. Financing energy efficiency
- 4. Sustainable transport
- 5. Renewable energy systems
- 6. Energy grids and infrastructures
- 7. Stakeholders engagement and role of consumers
- Energy and Innovation Center of Weiz (Austria)
- LIR EVOLUTION (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Grad Karlovac (Croatia)
- Energiewende Oberland - Civic Foundation for Renewable Energy and Energy Saving (Germany)
- LENERG Energy Agency Nonprofit Llc. (Hungary)
- EURAC research (Italy)
- Agenzia per l'Energia Alto Adige – CasaClima (Italy)
- Central Mining Institute (Poland)
- Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region, RRA LUR (Slovenia)
- Development agency Sinergija (Slovenia)
* Download here the seven workshops description with related partners in charge *
12 institutions replied to our call for replication, coming from the following countries: Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria.
Here is the list of interested institutions that have confirmed their participation:
A first plenary session will take place on Tuesday 2 March, introducing the activity and welcoming all applicants.
Let's continue together on the path towards the creation of sustainable regions, with a higher share of renewable energy resources!