Palazzo del Podestà - Italy
Palazzo del Podestà is another good Italian practice that we'd like to present now.

At the beginning of the 90s the Venetian Research Team (E.V.R.) under the scientific direction of the Superintendency of the BB. AA. AA. and to that technique of the City of Venice, it was to be the operative arm of an extensive archaeological investigation, in the field of the Church at Malamocco.

The excavation had started for a static and structural verification of the plinth of the flag pilo during restoration. At this juncture, under the artifact, the overlap of ancient floors and the presence of medieval structures was found. The archaeological investigation that resulted from it has brought to light the remains of the first Palace of Podestà and numerous findings to it and to the life related to it.

In the years 2008/2009 thanks to the sensitivity of the then Board of the District Lido and Pellestrina, it was possible to have the funds for the preparation of a first permanent exhibition, strongly desired by the local population, welcoming a part of the figulina repertazione of the excavation.

Even the installation, which went to occupy a wing of Palazzo del Podestà or Pretorio, was also edited by E.V.R. which has made it a point of reference and of arrival, within a more complex project of revitalization and knowledge of the Malamocchino territory, of the organization of guided visits to the ancient village. In the project, as soon as it had new resources, the preparation of the second room - alongside the first one - in which the findings of other kinds were made available to the public were postponed.