Promoting the transnational crowdfunding community

As a preparation step for implementing pilot activities in the partners’ regions, local events were organized in order to promote the transnational crowdfunding community, as well as to discuss the local/national situation regarding the topic of crowdfunding.

Setting of the events were adjusted to the local needs and thematic of pilot activities, but in general, the main target groups were local cultural operators, idea holders and entrepreneurs, in line with the rationale of project ARTISTIC.
As experiences and level of knowledge differ from country to country, the focus of the event had been adjusted to the regional situation, however the main topic that had been presented and discussed were the following

  1. what is crowdfunding?
  2. how it can be used?
  3. can it be used for ICH based projects?
  4. how to generate a successful campaign?
  5. what are the preconditions of running a good campaign?
  6. examples of good practices.

Prior to the events, partners agreed that due to the regional differences in economic and social conditions, the possibilities are different in the pilot areas. Now, after the events have been organized, the picture is much more complex and nuanced: good practices and examples exist even in each region. Also, participants are quite positive towards the topic of crowdfunding, as well as became inspired during the workshops. At the same time, “fear of the unknown” is also a factor that must be considered during implementing further activities.
