
More and more people are interested in the possibilities of contemporary earth architecture in Hungary as well as in the broader European region. Some as clients, some as contractors, some as researchers or educators. In the summer of 2017, specialists from this field thought the time had come to join their forces and take a look at where they stand. The objective is no less than to explore the national and regional status of earth architecture and its contemporary look, hand in hand with its most prominent advocates. A defining point for them was to approach earth as a building material – which they believe has a place in today’s building industry. They want earth, clay and straw mortar and the architecture that makes use of this material is to be seen less as an outdated tradition of ages past and more as a fitting solution for the needs of the present.

Organizers of the REGIO EARTH are: the MUD COLLECTIVE team (Piroska Bakos, Ádám Bihari, Boldizsár Medvey, Gergő Radev), the TERRApia team (Alina Negru, Alessandro Serra) and the Earth&Crafts team (Dragana Kojicic).

Beside the professional lectures and consultations, a few practical workshops, full scale construction and lots of fun activities await the festival visitors. Moreover, organizers are preparing an extensive roundtable to discuss the status of the earth construction profession with practicing architects, contractors and researchers.

The information and photos included in this article were taken from the brochure "LIVING FOLK ARCHITECTURE - WESTERN TRANSDANUBIA REGION (HU), INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE" prepared by the West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd.