Railway associations sign Charta on Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC)
15th January 2020
Six associations - VPI, Allianz pro Schiene, NEE, VDB, VDV and UIP sign the DAC-Charta on 14th January 2020. They called on politicians and the sector to join forces now and put the key tecnology for efficient rail on track throughout Europe.
In order to meet the needs of both climate protection and growing transport volumes, an increase in productivity and efficiency of the greenest transport mode rail is urgently needed. Against this background, UIP, as one of the first Charta signatories, promotes the DAC as the game changer on the way to the intelligent freight train through it being an enabling technology for the comprehensive automation and digitalisation of rail freight transport.
The Charter focuses on three key steps that politicians and the rail sector must tackle now are:
1. Accelerate the development phase,
2. Ensure the necessary financing for a Europe-wide roll-out, and finally
3. Draw up a European roadmap for migration to the DAC.
For more information and a downloadable Charta visit: https://www.uiprail.org/index.php/press-releases/508-railway-associations-sign-charta-on-digital-automatic-coupling-dac