News archive

09.03.2022 - REIF Transfer Conference & Shift to Regional Rail Award
The REIF Transfer Conference was held on the 9th of March 2022 as the final event of the three-year project.

24.03.2022 - REIF National Stakeholder Workshop - Croatia
Intermodal Transport Cluster (KIP) held an online National Stakeholder workshop as part of the REIF project.

23.03.2022 - REIF National Stakeholder Workshop - Italy
The REIF National Stakeholder workshop for Italy will be held online on 23rd March, 3:00 pm – 4:50 pm.

15.03.2022 - REIF National Stakeholder Workshop - Luka Koper
The national stakeholder workshop in Slovenia was held in the Luka Koper headquarters in cooperation with the COMODALCE project.

01.02.2022 - Online Steering Group meeting
Partners gathered to share their work in recent months and to plan together the activities for the final months of the project.

19.10.2021 - Transnational Policy Conference
The Thuringian Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture organised the REIF Transnational Policy Conference to strengthen rail freight transport. The event was held on the 19th of October 2021 and was attended by participants from 6 Central European countries.

09.09.2021 - REIF Online Project Partner meeting
The REIF Project Partners met up online to present and discuss their work within the project.

28.06.2021 - REIF featured in German Interreg Central Europe Contact Point
REIF was featured in the latest Summer 2021 edition of the German Interreg Central Europe Contact Point Newsletter. The article talks about the most important REIF goals and activities of the project achieved so far as well as ones planned for the future.

22.04.2021 - First capacity building workshop focusing on West Pomerania
On April 22nd, the CETC-EGTC Ltd. hosted the first capacity building workshop in the Westpomeranian Region.

19.03.2021 - ITL & RER organise the first Regional Capacity building workshop
ITL Foundation and Emilia-Romagna region organised the first Regional Capacity building workshop focused on market potential and barriers for rail freight services. The training event was enriched by the participation of Professor Oliviero Baccelli.

17.03.2021. - FHE presents REIF at the 5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic
Our partners from the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt presented the "Strengthening regional rail freight services - a Thuringian case study as part of the CE-Interreg project REIF" at the 5th ICPLT.

03.03.2021. - Research for the Traffic Turnaround - Article by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
FHE published an article in the Zeit Campus magazine which includes a segment about REIF titled "From Road to Rail" as well as their research in rail freight transport.

22.02.2021. - Eric project contributes to more sustainable logistics in Emilia-Romagna
Eric (Emilia-Romagna Intermodal Cluster) is a network created in 2018 that today, after a two-year period of fruitful collaboration and good results, is renewed for another five years.

05.02.2021 - BMVI is enabling better access to the rail network for companies
BMVI is stepping up its measures in order to enable better access to the rail network for companies. Better access gives more incentive to send their goods and products by rail, which is the more environmentally friendly option.

21.01.2021 - Establishment of a Regional Advisory Board
The REIF project partners have met online today to discuss the establishment of a Regional Advisory Board within the project.

08.01.2020 - 2021 is the European Year of Rail
To shine a light on rail's key role for EU economy, industry and society at large, the EU declared 2021 the European Year of Rail.

04.12.2020 - BMVI promotes new funding for rail freight transport
The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is launching new funding for rail freight transport. Automated and digitized maneuvering and braking processes are tested on the "Test field train formation system of the future" in Munich-North.

18.11.2020 - 3rd Digital Transport Days
The 3rd Digital Transport Days will be taking place online on 18 November 2020. This event will be the occasion to better understand what role digitalisation plays in enhancing resilience against pandemic.

13.11.2020 - New issue of Luški Glasnik features the REIF project
The new issue of Luški Glasnik for November 2020 features an article about the REIF project on page 8.

30.09.2020 - REIF presented at ESTECO User Meeting Conference
The Port of Trieste presented the REIF project and one of it's pilot actions at the physical and virtual conference of the ESTECO User Meeting, organised by the ESTECO.

25.09.2020. - TMIL publishes an article on REIF in their Regional Development Report Thuringia 2020
TMIL has written an article about REIF in which they describe the project's main fields of action as well as state the previous experiences from all the involved regions as a great advantage for transnational cooperation.

22.09.2020 - EU Rail signs the Ministerial Declaration "Rail Freight Corridors: The Future of Rail Freight in Europe"
The European rail freight industry signed the Berlin Declaration - "Rail Freight Corridors: The Future of Rail Freight in Europe" yesterday, 21st September 2020, as a follow up to the Rotterdam Declaration from 2016.

17.09.2020 - REIF Online Steering Group meeting
The REIF Steering Group meeting was held today, 17th September 2020. During the meeting the partners have shared their recent developments within the project and have discussed details about each partner's deliverables and future work within the project.

03.08.2020 - Revitalisation of regional infrastructure for rail freight transport in Styria
ÖIR has published an article on the REIF project on their website in which they describe the project and their own role within the project as the external expert on behalf of the Regional Government of Styria.

24.06.2020 - REIF Online project meeting - The online project meeting for the REIF project was held on June 24th 2020.

19.06.2020 - VDV initiated data hub for rail freight transport - A common data platform - Rail Freight Data Hub - is to be launched to strengthen the competitiveness of freight railways against growing intermodal competition.

19.06.2020 - Modal shift in European transport: a way forward - The study offers an in-depth analysis of the most pressing issues and trends relating to passenger and freight transport, which are likely to impact and influence modal shift.

15.06.2020 - Port of Ravenna begins work on the new Teodorico bridge - In recent days, work has started in the Port of Ravenna on the makeover of the Teodorico Bridge. The new bridge is expected to be reopened to traffic in December this year.

09.06.2020 - Association alliance calls for strengthening of combined Transpor Federal funding for terminal facilities under revision - The alliance of several german transport associations - VDV, BDB, BÖB, DSLV and SGKV - presented proposals for evaluating the Federal Ministry of Transport's KV funding guidelines in a joint position paper.

19.05.2020 - RER invests in new rail freight lines
Emilia Romagna Region invests €48 million in two new rail freight lines that will serve the Port of Ravenna.

18.05.2020 - REIF online partner meeting
REIF partners held an online meeting on May 14th 2020 about the impacts of COVID-19 and the mitigation measures.

13.05.2020 - Interreg makes a difference in sustainable transport brochure
The INTERACT network on sustainable transport produced and published a new brochure „Interreg makes a difference in sustainable transport“. You can find the newly published brochure here!

11.05.2020 - Emilia-Romagna begins work on the underground railway
Today, Region Emilia-Romagna begins its work on constructing an underground railway towards Codigoro and Romagna respectively. With the construction of these two lines, benefits for rail freight traffic are expected.

26.03.2020 - Luški glasnik once again features REIF
This month's issue of Luka Koper's internal newspaper - Luški glasnik once again features an article about the REIF project. The full issue of the newspaper can be downloaded here, and the article can be found on page 9.

18.03.2020 - Training for the market potential analysis
In the scope of the REIF project, the training for the market potential analysis was organized by FH Erfurt and held online on 18th March 2020.

17.02.2020 - The federal government and Deutsche Bahn Railways (DB) are strengthening rail with another 11 billion euros - for active climate protection in transport
On the basis of the Federal Government's 2030 climate protection program, additional federal funds amounting to 11 billion euros will be made available by 2030 to strengthen the railways, which will further strengthen the financial stability of the infrastructure and the competitiveness of the sector.

11.02.2020 - RER's engagement to strengthen rail freight and fluvial-maritime transport
 Emilia-Romagna Region continues to transfer freight transport traffic shares from road mode to rail mode as well as to river / fluvial-maritime mode. Emilia-Romagna Region published a new call that aims to correct the structural imbalances between road transport and rail freight transport.

04.-05.02.2020 - 3rd Project Steering Group Meeting - Ljubljana/Koper
REIF partners are working hard to achieve all goals of the project! The 3rd meeting of the REIF Project Steering Group was held in Ljubljana on February 4th 2020, and in Koper on February 5th 2020.

15.01.2020 - Railway associations sign Charta on Digital Automatic Coupling
Six associations - VPI, Allianz pro Schiene, NEE, VDB, VDV and UIP sign the DAC-Charta on 14th January 2020. They called on politicians and the sector to join forces now and put the key tecnology for efficient rail on track throughout Europe.

12.-14.10.2020 - Upcoming event - 18th ETC / 17TH BVF in Rostock, Germany
The 18th ETC / 17th BVF Congress will take place in Rostock area, Germany from 12th to 14th October 2020 under the theme "Innovative Transport Systems In European Logistic Networks  –  Chances For Non-Metropolitan Regions?". For more information visit:

The European Commission adopted two major Cohesion Policy projects, improving the Polish rail network and increasing its capacity, speed and safety.

The Intermodal congress aims to deal with the framework conditions, potential and measures for extra traffic by rail through the seaports of the North Range. Take a look into the future workshop of port operators, seaport companies, railways and operators.

21.10.2019 - REIF is featured in Luka Koper's internal newspaper
This month, the REIF project was featured in an article in Luka Koper's internal newspaper! The article is located on page 10.

30.09.2019 - REIF partners are learning from Good practices
During the second meeting of REIF, project partners had a lively discussion about good practices. The meeting was organized in Trieste, Italy on 30/09 and 01/10/2019. The hosting partner was the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea.

As of today, the common web European Rail Facilities Portal is online: 
Link to source:

In May 2019, REIF project partners met for the first time. This meeting marks the beginning of the project implementation.