Transnational Policy Conference


The Thuringian Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture organised the REIF Transnational Policy Conference to strengthen rail freight transport. The event was held on the 19th of October 2021 and was attended by participants from 6 Central European countries.

The event was opened with a welcome speech from the Thuringian Minister for Infrastructure and Agriculture, Ms. Susanna Karawanskij, followed by Mr. Winfried RITT, of the Joint Secretariat for Interreg Central Europe. Two keynote speeches followed - the first by Mr. Ludolf Kerkeling, CEO of the Network of Europan Railways about challenges for rail freight on national, international and regional level, and the second by Mr. Reinhard Haller, Policy Officer from Unit Single European Rail Area in DG Move about the upcoming initiatives supporting rail freight transport on the European level.

S.Karavanskij introduction speec TPC

Minister Susanna Karavanskij gives the opening address at the Transnational Policy Conference.

Project partner representatives from each partner region presented their work on the Roadmaps "new rail infrastructure/services 2030", which have been completed with the assistance of the Regional Advisory Boards. Each partner presented one high-priority action from their Roadmaps.

Consolidated Roadmaps 2030