Genova: A city where you can find (almost) all transport means
Not many big cities in Europe, and in particular in the Mediterranean area, have such a high number of different transport means in the same urban territory as Genoa, also in consideration of the very peculiar terrain.
In the territory of Genoa, the sixth Italian city in size (about 600,000 inhabitants), you can move using trolley and traditional buses, horizontal and vertical public lifts, cableways, cog and traditional railways and small buses for peripheral areas.

The upper station in Granarolo and view of the city. Source: author’s pictures
Indeed, the city is characterised by very populated districts located in hilly and peripheral areas, because the entire city lies in a narrow space between the sea and the Apennine Mountains, and by a high number of ageing people. These specific mobility needs can be satisfied thanks to particular services, which provide two kinds of public transport.
Firstly, the transport operator manages 18 lines of “integrative services” with fixed timetables and stops, like a traditional bus service but operated with small buses and they are often operated by private subcontractors of the main public company.
Secondly, 6 lines are organised as a taxi service, named “Taxibus”, and they are characterised by fixed stops and timetable but the runs are operated only in case of booking by at least one resident or tourist. To run these services, usually with a very low number of users, the operator uses taxi vehicles, supplying a comfortable service.

One of the peripheral roads supplied by "integrative" and "taxibus" services in Genoa (in this picture: Via Superiore Premanico). Source: Google maps
All integrative and taxibus services can be used with an ordinary urban ticket (€ 1.50) or a pass.
This peculiar public transport offer is completed by “Drinbus” services, which are on-demand buses in some more peripheral areas during the daytime and, in a specific area, also during the evening. In this case, routes are adjusted considering the specific bookings and using a set of fixed stops.

Drinbus. Source: AMT website
Genoa is a very complex city but the clarity and simplicity with which everyone can use the service is an essential requirement!
A next desired step is the adequate development of electric and trolley buses and, why not, the coming back of the tramway network; but that is another story!
Francesco E. Misso, T Bridge S.p.A.