Leisnig is situated in the centre of Saxony, a rural area between Leipzig, Dresden and Chemnitz.

Due to the administrative system the construction authority is responsible for regional economic development of the city. In these functions they have already elaborated concepts/projects for a sustainable regional development with taking into account environmental protection, economic potential, demographic change. Therefore, EE and RES are one of their main interests towards a sustainable development of the region.

Leisnig participated in “Europan 10 competition” for urban  planners/architects for small cities facing problems e.g. demographic change. Within this competition also a concept for improving living space including a district heating  was foreseen. Afterwards the city took up this idea of a district heating system with  RES and tried to implement it. Due to less interest of the public at the central marked place the citys earched for an alternative realisation and currently a district heating  system with support of national funding sources is underonstruction.

An EEP for the  city was finalized 2012 funded from a national programme. Within the timeframe of the elaboration staff of the constructionauthority extended their competences in the holistic approach of EE/RES measures inpublic planning strategies. Beyond these the construction authority has a broadcompetence and experience in planning and implementing EE/RES measures in public infrastructure.