1st Transnational training on sustainability of pilot actions
May 10, in Bydgoszcz (Poland)

GreenerSites aims at providing the public sector with new skills and know-how on brownfield regeneration by organizing 2 transnational trainings, 9 local trainings and 8 site visits for public employees and stakeholders.
The Transnational training on sustainable remediation was held on May 10, 217 in Bydgoszcz. It focused on the economic and environmental aspects of sustainability in brownfield remediation. About 60 people attended thet raining: project and associated partners, local stakeholders, professionals who daily work on the issues of brownfield management and regeneration. High qualified experts in the field of brownfield management provided short presentations and conducted interactive workshops based on selected study cases. The main topics covered were:
- green remediation techniques
- sustainable remediation (stakeholder involvement, broadening the scope and using time)
- sustainable management approaches
- methodology for the assessment of sustainable remediation solutions
- innovative contamination monitoring techniques
Two site visits to the brownfields of Bydgoszcz and Solec Kujawsky were also organised as part of the training.
The training provided project partners and stakeholders with specific knowledge on different sustainability measures to be applied in their pilot sites to ensure that the pilot actions remain effective in the medium term.