July 3, 2019 - Rijeka (HR)

GreenerSites Final Conference was held in Rijeka last 3 July 2019.
The conference brought together local and regional authorities and private companied interested in the development of brownfield sites.
It presented main project achievements with a specific focus on the results coming from the local pilot actions.
At the same time, it was was a perfect occasion to new perspectives for brownfield management in the EU, thanks to the presence of several speakers from European networks operating at EU level on brownfield management .
All presentations are available here:
Session I – The GreenerSites Project and the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME
- Christophe Ebermann: The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme: Supporting cooperation on land management
- Alessia Porcu: GreenerSites project activities and results
Session II - New strategies for the rehabilitation and regeneration of the contaminated sites
- Andreas Fiedler, Fiene Grieger: Promoting the revitalisation of the Halle Ammendorf area by improving the site marketability
- Suzana Belosevic: Definition of a Strategy for the environmental and economic rehabilitation of a harbour brownfield
Session III - systems for monitoring the contamination in the groundwater, soil and air
- Hanna Lewandowska: Setting up a system for monitoring the contamination of ground and groundwater in inhabited areas near the brownfield site
- Wojciech Irmiński: Setting up a system for the diagnosis of the type of contamination in waters
Session IV - Testing of some remediation methods
- Erika Rizzo: Test the capping method for cleaning up a polluted site in the so-called Montesyndial area
- Bostian Grabner:Test and comparison of some remediation methods in the Old Cincarna brownfield site
Session V – Perspectives for brownfield management in EU
- Hans Slender - NICOLE Network: Land Stewardship, the next step in sustainable land and brownfield management
- Lisa Pizzol - SuRF Italy : Brownfield prioritization at regional scale
- Božica Šorgić mag. chem. Oikon Ltd. – Institute of Applied Ecology: Brownfields, Croatian experience