Pilot Site Visit in Bydgoszcz

site visit in Zachem plant

On the 10th of May, GreenerSites partners, associated partners and invited stakeholders participated in a pilot site visit to the former “Zachem” Chemical Plant in Bydogoszcz. Until 2013 the Plant was among the largest producers of organic chemistry on the Polish market. After the closing down of the factory the area is considered one of the most polluted post-industrial areas in Poland with heavy ground and ground water contamination. The site trip led participants to visit 15 of the 30 polluted hotspots in the area among which

  • the industrial waste landfill at the Lisia street,
  • the epichlorohydrin production industrial waste landfill, the so-called EPI
  • the industrial waste landfill at the Zielona street, the so-called “Zielona"
  • the infrastructure after the former “Zachem” Chemical Plant, clarifiers

GreenerSites partners and stakeholders received detailed explanations and had a chance to ask questions, discuss different issues and exchange views on brownfield remediation techniques. In addition participants could also perform a field test on selected piezometers of the monitoring network the “Zachem” site.

Within GreenerSites, the City of Bydgoszcz will implement its pilot action in this site to facilitate the regeneration of the brownfields and enhance the improvement of the environmental conditions of the area.

Tour route in brownfields in Bydgoszcz-Toruń functional urban area