SOLEZ Public Conference @ Vicenza Municipality on March 23rd-24th 2018
An important public conference on sustainable mobility organized within SOLEZ project will be held at Palazzo Cordellina (Vicenza, Italy) on March 23rd - 24th 2018.
During the first day event, SOLEZ Action Plan for Vicenza Sustainable Mobility will be presented, as well as successfull experiences will be discussed, such as zero emission public transport by Bergamo City and HEPNESS project for citizens' involvement in building sustainable city. The second day event, will focus on sustainable mobility from different aspects, where participatory plan and experimental program will be introduced.
Among the speakers that the event will have the pleasure of hosting: MP Paolo Gandolfi (Cycle Mobility framework law); Gian Battista Scarfone (City of Bergamo - General Director of Transport Company); Antonio Marco Dalla Pozza (Vicenza Municipality - Council Member for Planning and Urban Sustainability); Lara Stellin (Director of Vicenza Logistic City Center srl).