Second Policy dialogue meeting in Brno

Project partners, representatives from Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Central Europe and policy makers from different countries met in Brno on 1st October 2019 at the 2nd dialogue meeting.

After the welcome speeches, our project coordinator Francesca Pozzar made the introduction to the Policy Dialogue objectives and participants. Dariusz Trzmielak from Managment Faculty University of Lodz, presented the Policy Recommendation Paper Draft.

Discussions gave us a bigger picture, particurarly in that companies do not know what servitization is – this word is scares them. We should explain the biggest benefits of servitization to SMEs as well as support servitization in a variety of ways: training of the personnel and empowerment of business innovation experts at the business support organisations.

Our focus should be on the particular tools which can help in implementing changes. »During the workshop we decided to use collaborative brainstorming and all the participants were divided into small groups. In that way, we were able to discuss efficiently how the developed SIM methodology could be integrated into regional support schemes for SMEs. The approaches and opportunities to increase servitisation and consequently commercialisation have been considered from different angles and prespectives« concluded Francesca Pozzar.

The servitization and development of service innovation is determined by knowledge, new technologies and new product diffusion, intensity of competition, new regulation on environmental protection, the labour force in production companies, the increase of product and services complementarity, internationalization of markets and demand as well as increase of individual needs.

The most important challenge is to MAINTAIN THE LEVEL OF QUALITY going forward!