It’s ongoing - the second pilot action in Friuli Innovazione

10 SMEs from Friuli Venezia Giulia and Lombardia regions are taking part in the second round of the servitization pilot action implemented by Friuli Innovazione.

These SMEs operate in different sectors, from furniture to food sector, from engineering to artificial intelligence and were already oriented and open to introduce Service Innovation Methodology in their business model.

Three workshops took place between May and June with focus on defining the servitization concept to be applied to a specific product, considering the industry and market in which each SME operates.

The goal of this first part of the methodology piloting is to provide manufacturing SMEs with the knowledge on how to incorporate services into their product portfolio, thus creating Product Service Systems (PSS).

Servitization is quite a tough challenge, because it requires time, human resources upskilling and, above all, a mindset change to reshape the business model. 

Obstacles reported by the SMEs teams during the workshops were the identification of the right product to be developed in servitization, focus the research on the customer's needs, and defining how to monetize the new service.

In the second phase of the pilot action, the 10 SMEs will start the process to bring the new service to the market.