This summer game is designed especially for families with children, but adults will definitely have fun as well. That is the way to get to know the painful story of a young Catherine from the Stibor family, who lost her inheritance and property unjustly.

How do the game looks like? Help Catherine. You will visit the three castellans of Beckov, Čachtice and the Swimming Castle, and you will receive a copy of the royal charter from each of them. To help the young noblewoman open the family treasure chest and at the same time the gates of her home, you will also need to obtain one key from each of the castellans. Then send the documents with the keys and your contact to the following address : Obec Čachtice, Malinovského 769, 916 21 Čachtice and write the word "Three keys for Katarína" on the envelope. With that, You may win one of the attractive prizes.

When you visit this place during selected events (Three Keys for Catherine: 6.-7.4., Easter: 19.-22.4., Cyril and Methods: 5.-7.7. Or Festival of Period Cuisine: 21.9.), You can with the help calligrapher write a letter by hand , and after transferring from castle to castle (Beckov and Čachtice) you will get Sigismund's ducat.
Why is it so important? When Duke Stibor Jr. died, his heir became Katarína's only daughter. Because she was too young, she was to be cared for by three castellans. The money and documents were stored in a chest on Beckov and secured with three locks. Each of the castellans had one key so that neither could dispose of them without the knowledge of the other. In addition, each document was made in three copies and stored in three castles: Beckov, Čachtice and Plavecký hrad. Nevertheless, the royal council decided that Catherine would lose her property and home.

Unfortunately , the majestic Beckov , Čachtice and Plavecký hrad castles are only in a ruined state today. Two of them are located in the middle Považie near Nové Mesto nad Váhom. The ruins of the Swimming Castle form a significant landmark at the foot of the western Little Carpathians. Despite the distance, however, they are close to each other due to their rich common past.

The organizer collects money to implement the project. Specifically for the purchase of information banners, markings, documents for collecting stamps with keys, production of stamps, production of a wooden chest with three locks, overpayment of a seal with the coat of arms of Sigismund of Luxembourg, calligraphy paper, stamp for stamping Sigismund's ducat and plies to be used in production of chocolate ducats.

The campaign may be found here:

Laki's town - a book for small and large wanderers (lakiho mestecko)

Laki is a small black dog that can't stay at home even for a while. He just moves from one adventure to another. And because Laki's Town is an extraordinary book, you can live his stories with him! 

Whether you are a parent from Štiavnica who has no new ideas on how to entertain their little ones during the week, or you go with children to Štiavnica on weekends to feel the local atmosphere, wander with Laki through the narrow streets and mysterious corners of the city. Although, the book can keep your children in good company, even if you are not so close to Štiavnica. Thanks to illustrations with elaborate details of historical buildings and urban environment , you can go back in time together and acquaint your descendants with the famous mining history of this corner of Slovakia.

Laki's Town is a project of a small independent publishing house Altamika from Štiavnica, who want as many skilled local people as possible to get involved. They invited the local Chytrô bookbinding workshop to create it , which will manually produce a screen-printed envelope. The book will be printed in local factories.
Laki's Town was also supported by the Slovak Art Support Fund. The contribution will be used for book printing and its promotion.

The campaign may be found here:

The nice place (Posad sad u nas)

Schaubmar's mill can be found on the outskirts of Pezinok, in the Cajla district and has been a part of the Slovak National Gallery for a few decades. The whole mill estate is a technical monument and last year was 250 years since its construction! Today you can see the mill exposition and the art gallery there. When you come to visit this place, you will find yourself in a picturesque mill yard with old trees and once utilitarian buildings, which today fulfill new functions - such as an art studio or accommodation. Behind the mill is an orchard, waiting for its occasion to be promoted.

Last year, the organizer started to renovate the whole area and create a new program in order to build from Schaubmar's mill a place where you can run with your family orfriends on a trip to nature, for art, workshops, market or concert of your favorite band. They are preparing a partial reconstruction of the complex and this year the organizer wants to start the renovation of the orchard and make it available to the public. They are also working on this project with Peter Jurkovič and Kristína Tomanová from the architectural studio JRKVC and garden architect Dan Lapšanský.

The campaign's organizers plan to plant 33 new trees and more than 100 fruit and ornamental shrubs. In time, apiaries, birdhouses and insect houses should be added, and a greenhouse, vegetable and herb beds will also have their place here. Sidewalks, benches, nets or a fireplace for grilling are a matter of course. They want the orchard to be open to everyone and to become a pleasant rest and meeting place for people who want to spend time breathing the fresh air.
With the campaign's contributions, organizers will be able to purchase and plant all the trees and shrubs and modify the orchard so that they can make it available to the public soon. They will also use own resources to build the infrastructure of the orchard - sidewalks and the furniture.

The campaign may be found here: