Stakeholder Workshop for action planning in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau, Austria
April 11th 2019 - The Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau organises the 3rd stakeholder workshop within the framework of CEETO project at Biohof Sauschneider in St. Margarethen in Lungau.
In the course of this workshop, the measures defined in the CEETO Action Plan regarding preventive visitor guidance were discussed together with stakeholders from the fields of tourism, agriculture and nature conservation. These measures are set to address comprehensive awareness raising among visitors of the Birosphere Reserve and related topics at the interfaces of tourism, agriculture and nature conservation.
After a short welcome speech carried out by Mr. Schaflechner, manager of the Biosphere Reserve, a brief introduction to CEETO project and the activities implemented since the last meeting was done. Following, a short introduction of the CEETO Action Plan in the Biosphere Reserve was presented by Mrs. Hauser, responsible for the CEETO project in this park. To end with, and divided in working groups, the following topics were addressed and discussed together:
- What content and topics should be communicated to visitors, guests and locals?
- How should these topics be conveyed to locals and visitors?
- Who can support the implementation of the Action Plan and contribute to it?

Stakeholders workshop at UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau - Photo by UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau
In addition, a discussion on communication tools, such as the homepage and social media channels, pooling of resources of the area, joint external communications, tourism offers and content for training and events took place. Another important aspect was the design of the Protected Areas Open Days event in the UNESCO Biosphere Salzburger Lungau, which will be held in the leisure area of the Mur Island, in St. Michael, on May 25th of the present year from 14:00h to 18:00h. This even will be celebrated as part of the festival of the rural youth of St. Michael in order to reach a wider audience and, above all, to involve the youth.
On this day, as part of the Landjugend Splash, the UNESCO Biosphere Salzburger Lungau will be receiving groups of all ages and kind to discover the natural secrets that it hosts. The day will include regional producers, social initiatives, adventures, mindfulness hikes and other touristic offers. The food for visitors will be provided by the local peasantry and regional initiatives, where the use and processing of regional products are in the foreground.
About UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau
Get further information about the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau Pilot Protected Area and watch the short video teaser portraying the park´s natural values and tourism challenges that will be faced within CEETO project implementation.