Phase 2 - Thematic Work Package 2

Testing Phase

The 8 Pilot Protected Aareas involved in CEETO project Testing Phase (or Phase 2) experience significant sustainability-related issues deriving from visitation and need to find novel solutions. Based on the Diagnostic Phase´s inputs, the main goal during the Testing Phase was to test a model of governance of tourism flows within the pilot PAs aimed at reducing environmental impacts and pressures of tourism and enhance the socio-economic benefits that can come from a sustainable tourism approach.

Starting from the features of each Protected Area, its existing pressures and governing structures collected during the Diagnostic Phase, the Sustainable Tourism Action Plans were developed. During this process, a first part was be common to all Pilot Protected Areas (the capacity building process and the participatory process) and a second part followed in which the local implementation of specific managing and monitorin tools defined in the single Action Plans of each Pilot Area took place.

Furthermore, a Capacity Building Workplan (CBW) supported the Protected Areas managing bodies in the implementation of the Aciton Plans, while the CEETO Network ensures the continuous exchange and coordination among the Protected Areas involved.

To end with, the outcomes of this Testing Phase served as the basis to develop the Guidelines, which are the foremost outcome of CEETO project Phase 3.


2.1. Common capacity building: design of a Capacity Building Workplan, a common workshop and different Workshops On-the-Spot in the different Pilot Areas. 
2.2. Participatory planning process: for each Protected Area, the establishment or renovation of participatory systems and the elaboration of a Sustainable Tourism Action Plan.
2.3. Pilot Actions Phase 1: Implementation of management tools set inside the Action Plans.
2.4. Pilot Actions Phase 2: Implementation of tools to monitor tourism pressures, related impacts and socio-economic benefits at local level.
2.5. Pilot Actions Phase 3: Development of the final reports on the Pilot Actions Plans.

Project partners involvement

  • Federparchi coordinated CEETO project Phase 2, will implement the Capacity Building Workplan towards all Project Partners involved and transfer the results to Phase 3 of CEETO project. 
  • On the other hand, the Project Partners involved will participate in the definition of the Capacity Building Workplan and will be also responsible to implement the model and collect and share the results of this Testing Phase.
  • To end with, EUROPARC Federation will support the Capacity Building Workplan communication activities.


Capacity Building Workplan

The Capacity Building Workplan is designed to support the Protected Areas managing bodies in the implementation of the Sustainable Tourism Action Plans in each of the eight Pilot Protected Areas. Specifically, it will help CEETO project partners to reach all the goals and outputs of the Testing Phase of CEETO project in a coherent and effective way, and tt will include one Common Workshop on Participatory Planning for all the Pilot Area managers of CEETO project. Furthermore, it will also include eight Workshops On The Spot, one for each Pilot Area, in which Technical Assistance on the ground will be provided to them.

Below you can download the Capactity Building Workplan and the Report on the Protected Areas Participatory Process, both in English language.

Download the CEETO Capacity Building Workplan in English.

Download the CEETO Report on Workshops On the Spot in English.

Sustainable Tourism Action Plans

To start with, each Protected Area involved in CEETO project developed a Sustainable Tourism Action Plan. Each Plan bases on the existing situation of the Protected Areas and identifies the specific goals to be achieved within 5 years in erms of sustainable tourism and nature protection, listing the possible management and related monitoring tools to be put in place, setting a time schedule and indicating the possible source of funding. 

Along with the Sustainable Tourism Action Plans, each managing authority generated a Pilot Action Plans specifying how the
tourism governance model in the will be implemented in each Pilot Protected Area.  Additionally to the Pilot Action Plans, each responsible authority elaborated a Report on Management Tools Implementation describing the activities carried out by each Protected Area and their relevant outcomes while puting in place some of the management tools/procedures as identified in the Action Plan in cooperation wit competent bodies (e.g. other public administrations).

Likewise, a system to monitor the implemented management tools was set and described in the Report on Monitoring Workplan Implementation for each Pilot Protected Area. This document provides monitoring locations, specific tools, time frequency, data collection/elaboration methodologies and, when possible, data on pressure baseline and its actual reduction, data on socio-economic benefits thanks to new management tools and data on environmental impacts reduction. 

Furthermore, a Final Report on each of the Pilot Action Plan was produced to describe the implemented governance model and the results, such as the reduction of tourism-based pressures, environmental impact and increased socio-economic benefits, of the implementation of management and monitoring tools in each Pilot Protected Area.

Below you can download the three documents for each of the eight CEETO Pilot Protected Areas: