Online Convention on Regional Mobility beyond TEN-T

26 May 2020, 13:00 - 14:45

Event has ended.

The European Green Deal, as communicated by the European Commission in December 2019, defines an accelerated shift towards smart and sustainable mobility as one of several 'deeply transformative policies'. According to the communication, 'achieving sustainable transport means putting users first and providing them with more affordable, accessible, healthier and cleaner alternatives to their current mobility habits.' (COM(2019) 640 final, p. 10)

But how can users be put first in practice? By which means can attractiveness of public transport really be raised? And where does this shift have to take place - first and foremost in urban areas, rural areas or both?

The 'Online Convention on Regional Mobility beyond TEN-T' shed light on practical examples of developing regional public transport in a way so that all inhabitants can benefit from the optimized TEN-T infrastrcuture, no matter where they live. In comparison with the current European Commission's deliberations on connected multimodal mobility, a discussion on strengthening the regional public transport systems arose.


PDF agenda for download

13:00          Opening by the moderator

Prof. Dr. Matthias Gather (University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany)

13:05          Keynote address: plans of the EU COM for supporting public transport in Europe

Herald Ruijters, DG MOVE, Director of Directorate B „Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport“ Download presentation here  

13:20          Regional approaches and best practices: ways for connecting the hinterland to TEN-T

  1. Planning: Conception of an Integrated Synchronised Timetable on NUTS-3-level
    Marcus Bals, Head of Office, Office for Public Relations, Soemmerda County Administration, DE - representing the SubNodes partnership
    Download presentation here

  2. Services: Upgrading metropolitan public transport provision – MAAS solutions in urban peripheries 
    Matej Gojčič, Deputy director Regional development agency of Ljubljana urban region - representing Peripheral Access partnership 
    Download presentation here

  3. Participation: Public involvement for the reactivation of feeder lines to TEN-T
    Květoslav Havlík, Deputy director of South Moravian Integrated Public Transport, CZ – representing the SubNodes partnership
    Download presentation here

  4. Digital Innovations: Smart public transport solutions integrating urban networks with peripheral and rural areas
    Marco MazzarinoProfessor of Transport Economics, Logistics and Supply chain management - Università IUAV di Venezia - representing Peripheral Access partnership
    Download presentation here

14:20          Panel discussion and Q&A-session: requirements and solutions to make full use of TEN-T for all regions in Europe

14:45          end of meeting

These were the speakers

Prof. Dr. Matthias Gather


Herald Ruijters


Marcus Bals


Matej Gojčič


Květoslav Havlík


Marco Mazzarino

This event was jointly hosted by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects Peripheral Access and SubNodes

combinded Logo SubNodes and Peripheral Access

For any questions concerning the event, please contact  Mr. Vieweg of the German Association for Housing, urban Development and Spatial affairs via e-Mail: