Summary of second period
The second period comes to an end and we want to inform you what we have achieved so far.
In this semester our Polish partner Paleczinca Municipiality hosted the partners of the RURES Project. There we held our CU and ISC meeting and updated each other on the current state of the project. Within this meeting each partner had the opportunity to present his best practices, which was to be researched. The best practices deal with alternative financing EE / RES measures. We heard interesting lectures and could exchange afterwards. A highlight of the partner meeting was the study visit. There we looked at the local solar systems, which are coupled with an intelligent water metering system. This was assessed by the experts of the partners, who had come specially for it, and carried out a so-called peer review. The intelligent water metering system is the pilot investment of the Municipality of Paleczinca. Therefore, it is foreseen to install intelligent (automatic) water metering (IWM) at the water distribution system of the municipality of Pałecznica.
Another important activity are the local support group meetings. There, the partners inform their stakeholders about the project and exchange views with the experts. As a special feature this semester a handbook from the best practices will be created, which will be then issued to the stakeholders.
Public relations work is also very important in the project. Therefore, we are pleased that this period of comprehensive leaflet has been completed, which all partners have translated into their language. These are now ready to be issued to interested parties. Furthermore, each Semester a newsletter is distributed, which you can view and subscribe to here.