The Slow Food Central Europe project will be present at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto with a dense program of activities, from September 20 to 22, 2018
The Slow Food- CE project* will be present at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto with a program of activities partly targeting the Project and Associate Partners (Transnational Workshop and Training, Steering Committee) and partly open to the general public (Food and the city forum and press conference). The project involves the cities of Krakow (Poland), Dubrovnik (Croatia), Kecskemét (Hungary), Venice (Italy) and Brno (Czech Republic).
Here follows the detailed program:
September 20
10.00-12.00 Transnational Workshop: from identification of Gastronomic Cultural Heritage to their valorisation
13.00-15.00 Transnational training in Gastronomic Cultural Heritage resources valorization
Following a common introduction (the workshop), the Project and Associate Partners will be divided into four working groups (Slow Food Travel, Slow Food Chefs’ Alliance, Education and Earth Markets) on the basis of the interest previously expressed in relation to the development of the next project actions. Experts for each theme, belonging to the Slow Food network, will drive each group into the training to give at least two different points of view on the implementation of the related methodologies.
15.30-18.30 Project Steering Committee
September 21
Following the first day of training, all Project and Associate Partners will be involved in an all-day practical training within the event Terra Madre Salone del Gusto: a guided visit into some specific stands in order to better fix the contents discussed the day before and see how practically the related projects of valorisation are implemented.
September 22
10.30-12.30 Food and the city
The forum Food and the city intends to discuss with EU and regional stakeholders the relations between food and city in terms of best practices, policies, etc.
Today, about half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. In 1950, just 30% of the global population was urban—only 83 metropolitan areas contained at least one million inhabitants, and only 8 had more than five million. In the decades since, urbanization has led to great imbalance, and it is expected that, by 2050, 66% of the human population will be urban. How can the city and the country learn to live together and maintain profitable relationships? What models of distribution, marketing, and consumption can provide a sustainable and balanced way forward? What does urban gastronomic heritage look like, and what tools can be put in place to give it value?
The speakers’ panel is composed as follows: Piercarlo Grimaldi (Italy, UNISG), Ivo Kara-Pešic (Croatia, Kinookus Association), Paola Mar (Italy, City of Venice), Samuel Nahon (France, Terroirs d’avenir), Kenneth Højgaard (Denmark, The Copenaghen House of Food), Chantal Clément (Belgium, IPES-Food), Ferdinando Mirizzi (Italy, University of Basilicata), Donald Hyslop (Great Britain, Borough Market London).
16.00-17.00 Press conference: Pilot Actions launch
At this project stage, each city is going to test innovative and community-driven solutions for the promotion of gastronomic heritage in public spaces by launching five pilot actions - which means concrete actions within the Slow Food philosophy aiming at enhancing specific characteristics of the local gastronomy, its roots and cultural heritage.
The speakers’ panel is composed as follows: Ursula Hudson (president of Slow Food Germany and board member of Slow Food – International Association) introduces and moderate the press conference. Then each city will take the floor: Szymon Gatlik, Municipality of Krakow, Dubrovnik: Ivo Kara-Pešić, president of Kinookus Association, Kecskemét: József Gaál, deputy mayor of Kecskemét Municipality, Venezia: Maurizio Carlin, Head of the Directorate for Development, City Promotion and Safeguard of Traditions, City of Venice, Brno: Tom Vaclavik, chairman of Slow Food Brno.
*The project “SLOW FOOD – CE: Culture, Heritage, Identity and Food” is financed by EU program Interreg Central Europe, which supports cooperation between the regions of Central Europe, and has a duration of 3 years - from 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2020. The project intends to involve public and private actors in 5 cities of Central Europe (Venice, Dubrovnik, Brno, Krakow and Kecskemét) to build and share a common methodology for the identification of the resources of intangible cultural heritage related to food and to develop a model able to protect and enhance traditional foods and their production.