WORKSHOP „Rail at TRITIA area – Present and Future“
The workshop (OT2.2.3) was organized to exchange information on the current state of rail freight transport in the TRITIA area and analyze the possibilities and measures to be taken to moving a part of transport from the roads to the rail.
Workshop took place on General Consulate of Poland in Ostrava with the participation of Izabella Wołłejko-Chwastowicz, General Consul.
During the workshop were discussed following topics:
- Capacity of railways for freight transport
- Cross-border delaying and proposals to improvement
- Possibility and conditions of transfer from road to railway
- Proposals of legislative change for railway freight transport to reach of goals of the EU-white Paper (transport policy)
On the workshop participated except project partners the representatives of railway operators e.g. AWT., ČD Cargo,a.s., Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, and others interested entities (City of Ostrava, University of Pardubice, Silesian University of Technology).