Workplace Mobility Plan for City of Modena (Italy)
Modena (Italy), 11. October 2018
Dear readers! Greetings from Modena, known for its medieval history!
What you will read in this news? You will read all about Workplace Mobility Plans in project. In next days we will present you all 13 Workplace Mobility Plans which was prepared for municipalities, hospital, university and transport centre. The 1st presented will be Workplace Mobility Plan for City of Modena.

- The picture present beautiful old part of the City of Modena.
Whay MOVECIT project produced Workplace Mobility Plans? MOVECIT project produced Workplace Mobility Plans for each municipality (public institution) to link many target groups in order to achieve main objectives. It achieved developed skills through exchange of expiriences and mentoring between advanced and learning countries, increased knowledge and management competences to develop and implement sustainable Workplace Mobility Plans in municipalities, increased sustainale behaviour change among municiplaties employees for environmental friendly modes when travelling to workplaces and increased peoples perception of enviormentally-friendly transport as a mainstream approach and common lifestyle.
Here is the summary from Workplace Mobility Plan for City of Modena:
The municipality expects that through the raise of awareness among its public employees about the impact of their mobility behaviour for work trips and the adoption of Workplace Mobility Plans (WMP) in other municipalities, more and more public employees and workers in general will be motivated to change their mobility habits shifting to ore sustainable means of transport.
The WMP will be presented and illustrated to the employees through specific meetings and via all the internal communication tools. The work that has been done for the WMP will also be illustrated to external stakeholders, thanks to the network that have been consolidated during the project in order to disseminate the good practices emerged and to increase the awareness on mobility management issues.
A dedicated working group for preparation of the WMP has been created, a mobility team responsible for the WMP with technicians belonging to the Municipality and external expertise. Stakeholder involvement has been important: some were internal to the municipal offices and others external, and they took part to the WMP development process.
Not only the employees who live in Modena’s urban area will benefit from the measures, but all those who live in the functional urban area (FUA): i.e. the urban continuity of Modena plus the territory falling within the hamlets of the Municipality itself and in the neighbouring Municipalities that gravitate on Modena. 51% of the employees live in the former, 36% in the latter, for a total of 87% of them living in what constitutes the FUA. They collectively travel 3.909 km every day in their home-to-work trips, 2.873 of which by car.
In the month of June 2017, the 42% of employees of the Municipality responded to a questionnaire regarding their mobility habits for work commuting. From this survey, it resulted that private car is the most popular transportation mode for commuting to the main work seats. The percentage of employee cycling or walking to work, though, is rather relevant (25% considering both modes).
Half of the respondents live less than 5 km away from their work location, which makes them the best candidates for switching to more sustainable travel habits. For them, improvements in cycling and walking infrastructure could represent an incentive to reduce car use, as well as more bicycle storages to reduce steals.
The development of a carpooling platform is part of the present Plan and will help those who have no sustainable choices, such as those living in the FUA. Those who have access to a train station and live in the FUA will also benefit from the increase of protected bike deposits, that will allow them to leave their bikes in Modena, ready to use in their everyday trips.
A revision of the Public Transport (PT) network is also in the works – connected to the SUMP development process - and will provide new alternatives for those who come from the FUA.
All the measures presented in this the Plan contribute to the achievement of the targets: the reduction of emissions and km travelled by car as single occupants. They are monitored through indicators such as the increase in the modal split of PT, carpooling and bicycle (target: +2% for each), calculated on all employees and therefore representative of the entire FUA.
Find HERE the results of the 1st modal split and HERE the results of the 2nd modal split.
The whole document - Workplace Mobility Plan for City of Modena - you can find HERE.