New online tool calculates savings through urban electric storage solutions
This easy-to-use online tool now supports everyone who considers installing electrical storage solutions in combination with renewable energy sources
Up to 80% of total energy consumption in the EU is attributed to urban areas, including historical urban centres. At the same time, low carbon energy supplies in the form of energy storages, especially in historical urban centres, is a rarity in central Europe. This is mainly because of strict architectural protection constraints, higher implementation costs and often also conflicts with town planning policies. The Store4HUC project now offers the so-called Autarky Rate Tool to address such conflicts. This easy-to-use online tool is available for everyone who considers installing electrical storage solutions in combination with renewable energy sources. With only a few numbers and clicks, you can get an evaluation of the technical, economic and ecological effects of a chosen combination. It is now possible for everyone who plans to change to renewable energy use and needs electrical storage to learn how self-sufficient the planned change will make them. “In Europe, it is a real challenge to integrate renewable energy sources in historic buildings. This is an easy way to decide if energy storage makes sense to combine with which renewable energy source.” says Dr. Wolfgang Hofstetter from Climate Alliance.
The Autarky Rate Tool was developed in the course of the EU financed project Store4HUC, in whose project team Climate Alliance is involved. The tool is freely accessible and available to all those interested in the installation of electrical storage in combination with renewable energy sources. The aim is to motivate the users to deal with the topic in more detail and subsequently to contribute to an increased and intelligent use of electric storage solutions and contribute to the reduction of carbon-based energy sources. The tool is available online via

Contact: Dr. Wolfgang Hofstetter, Climate Alliance: