Humanitarian corridors meet Public CAS

P5: Mountain Union of Mongia e Cevetta Valley Langa Cebana Alta Valle Bormida (IT)

The pilot action is addressed to create a direct link between Humanitarian Corridors and our public Special Assistance Centre (CAS). These are good practices that are still limited in their diffusion, despite their relevance for the involved actors in the environment of integration and inclusion.

For this reason, the pilot action wants to develop a networking, informative and educational approach, in order to enhance the relevance of the above-mentioned good practices and to disseminate their results at local and regional level.

The objectives are:

- To enhance the network with relevant stakeholders that manage Immigration Social Policies

- To develop and improve the welcoming attitude in the interested area and the engagement of local stakeholders and local population

- To improve the knowledge of local and regional administrations, social services and CSO about Immigration Policies.

To reach its aim, the Mountain Union of Ceva, with the support of the involved municipalities, will organize public workshops and internal meetings. This activity will be combined with the creation of a technical working group that will develop the theoretical foundation for the realization of the pilot action: it will produce a position paper on immigration policies issues, will gather feedback from the stakeholders and will carry on a detailed context analysis. One of the main output will be the creation of a technical-scientific table of the pilot action that will develop a further activity of applied research in migration field. 


The effectiveness of Humanitarian Corridors is widely proven, but they are still limited in a precise environment. On the other side, the efficiency of the public CAS in rural areas has been proven as well: this procedure demonstrated that public management in rural areas and small municipalities is better than the private one.

The interested areas gather several public CAS that will surely benefit from the direct connection and a deepen knowledge about Humanitarian Corridors and immigration policies and thus will bring a positive effect to the whole territory.

In order to replicate this experience in other areas and to increase the number of public CAS in rural Italy, it is fundamental to create a strong network and to share relevant competences, therefore this pilot action can become a reference for the other rural municipalities in the future.  


The proposed pilot action underline three main elements according to the social innovation approach:

1) Private - public partnership and networking among different institutions: religious bodies, public institution, firms and NGO will cooperate for the realization and replication of this activity nowadays and in the future

2) The sustainability and replicability of the idea

3) The creation of new added value and a positive social impact driven by the transfer of new competences to local stakeholder and population in the involved territories


D.T2.2.2 - Pilot Action Concept - P5

D.T2.5.2 - Pilot Action Final Report - P5


Castelnuovo municipality -

Ormea municipality -

Priero municipality -

Priola municipality -