News and Event Archive
08.03.2022 FINAL EVENT: After 3 years with a total of 10 project partners from 7 countries, the Interreg CE-funded project ProsperAMnet has come to a successful end. At the final event on March 8, the project outputs - including the developed Service Export Radar - were presented to an international audience. Also on the virtual stage were renowned experts on the topic of industrial services and Artificial Intelligence such as Francesca Pozzar, Mito Mihelic, Henning Rabe, Richard Ferkas and Thomas Lamprecht
January 2022 INTERVIEW with Beke Zoltán "How artificial intelligence works from a company and human perspective" - click here to download the full interview with Zoltán Beke, head of Hungary-based Mortoff IT Consultant Ltd, and read about his thoughts on the advancement of artificial intelligence in manufacturing companies as well as in our daily lives.
December 2021 ICMARKTECH 2021 CONFERENCE ProsperAMnet participated in the ICMARKTECH conference in Spain, Tenerife. Our paper "Find me if you can! Identification of services on websites by human beings and artificial intelligence" was awarded as BEST PAPER among all submitted papers!
October 2021 UPCOMING ROUND TABLES: Each project country organizes a round table event aimed at promoting the Service Export Radar and presenting ways how it can help companies to enhance their service exports. The events are planned as follows: Slovenia: 13.10.2021, Italy: 27.10.2021, Germany: 23.11.2021, Austria: 16.11.2021, Czech Rep.: tbd You are interested in joining the event? Reach out to us:
30.09.2021 NEWSLETTER #5: In this newsletter, the results of the Service Export Radar are presented as well as the Networking tableau, which will be available by October this year. By using the networking tableau, companies will have access to a new form of expanding their professional network in a way that can help them in exploring relevant markets and companies previously unknown to them. Click here to download the fifth newsletter!
22.07.2021 PILOT ACTION STARTED: The pilot action for implementing the Service Export Radar has started right now! Within this pilot action, the Service Radar is being implemented in Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany and Austria. You are an Advanced Manufacturer operating in above mentioned countries and are interested in your service export opportunities? Then use the online Radar on
06.05.2021 PROSPERAMNET PRESENTED AT THE CCBC 2021: Today our colleague David Aufreiter (FHOÖ) presented the project at the virtual Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2021, which was organized by FHOÖ Global Sales and Marketing. David talked about how we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the development of the radar.
31.03.2021 PROSPERAMNET PRESENTED AT INTERREG B EVENT: An information event for the universities from the Danube-Moldova region was organized by the supporting association Europaregion Donau-Moldau e.V. on 31.3.2021. At this online event, ProsperAMnet was presented as an outstanding example project by Margarethe Überwimmer (FHOÖ) and Stefan Mang (University of Passau).
31.03.2021 NEWSLETTER #4: In this newsletter, Alessandra Gruppi, first European servitization manager, gives her opinion on the developed online tools - namely the service performance monitor and the service export radar. Further, the Expert Hub Linking Center - which is also available online - is presented. click here to download the Newsletter #4
09.02.2021 PROJECT MEETING: Within the (online) project meeting on 9th February, the first use case of the service export radar was presented! The in-house developed artificial intelligence-driven service export radar is already delivering valuable insights about the first use case – search for competitors in specific sectors in different countries. Next steps include the test phase of the radar in order to further optimise it for practical deployment!
05.11.2020 PROJECT MEETING: On 5th November 2020, an online project meeting and steering committee meeting was executed within ProsperAMnet.
06.10.2020 3RD NEWSLETTER: Click here to download the third newsletter of ProsperAMnet!
08.07.2020 ROUND TABLE SLOVENIA: On July 8th 2020, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia organised an online round table, mainly for the manufacturing companies, entitled “Time to innovate: Service design”. The aim of the webinar was to present to attendees what service design is and to encourage them to start thinking about this process and to invite them to take part of the project. 24 attendees participated the webinar, among them mostly representatives of manufacturing and service companies and regional or local institutions.
18. - 19.05.2020 2ND PROJECT MEETING: From the 18th to 19th of May 2020, we held the 2nd project meeting and steering committee meeting within ProsperAMnet – this time online than face-to-face due to the current corona-crises.
19.03.2020 2ND NEWSLETTER: Click here to download the second newsletter of ProsperAMnet!
February 2020 PRESENTATION AT THE AAAI-CONFERENECE: Gábor Berend (Univ. of Szeged) and Christian Stadlmann (FHOÖ) participated at the 34th AAAI-conference on Artificial Intelligence in New York/USA Download Link to the scientific paper
07.-08.10.2019 PROJECT MEETING: Our Italian partner Friuli Innovazione welcomed the partnership in Udine/ Italy for the first project meeting of ProsperAMnet. Beside having a look back on the activities of the first half year of the project, especially the activities regarding the development of the AI tool in the second period were discussed.
28.08.2019 1ST NEWSLETTER: Click here to download the first newsletter of ProsperAMnet!
27.07.2019 BECOMING EXCELLENT WITHIN THE SERVICE BUSINESS: You are an advanced manufacturer and want to be successful in your service business? Then benefit from the use of our monitoring system with a free and scientifically based analysis of your company! For details, please refer to our call for participation.
Have a look at our Service Performance Monitor:
06. - 07. 05. 2019: KICK-OFF MEETING: The Lead partner University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, welcomed the project partners of ProsperAMnet in Austria for the Kick-off Meeting and the first Steering Committee Meeting. The first meeting brought the partnership, consisting of in total 10 partners from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Italy, together. We are already looking forward to the next meeting, which will take place in October 2019 in Italy.