Peta 4 – 4th Pan-European Thermal Atlas now online


At the Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) workshop, finding place at Tuesday 7th March in Brussels, the Pan-European Thermal Atlas (Peta4, launch hit the ground. The upgraded Peta4 seems to be the useful tool for decision makers of all levels, but also experts and energy enthusiasts alike, to quickly and accurately assess thermal resources and demand in a region. The first ever interactive maps of heating and cooling demand, efficiency and supply in Europe, is containing a high resolution grid of the modelled heat demand in 2015, existing district heating systems, as well as a database of excess heat supply for 14 EU member states.

The atlas has been developed as an initiative of partner’s trio - Halmstad University, European University Flensberg, and Aalborg University - within the Horizon 2020 initiative titled Heat Roadmap Europe 4. For additional information, see video tutorial on key features of Peta4.

Peta 4 – 4th Pan-European Thermal Atlas