Porcelain Manufactury in Berlin feeds waste heat into the cities’ district heating network


The Royal Porcelain Manufactury (Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur – KPM) in Berlin utilizes their waste heat from the production process. By recovering the heat of the kiln where the porcelain burns about 20 hours with a temperature up to 1400 °C altogether, 250 MWh heat feeds into Berlin’s district heating network operated by Vattenfall yearly. This is the first pilot project in Berlin where waste heat covers a share of the district heating supply. Other waste heat sources are under investigation. This could be one step towards reaching Berlin’s climate protection target to reduce the CO2 emissions by 85 percent until 2050.

Porcelain Manufactury in Berlin feeds waste heat into the cities’ district heating network
Porcelain Manufactury in Berlin feeds waste heat into the cities’ district heating network