Project Group Meeting in San Daniele, Italy


On  26th and  27th June 2018 the CE-HEAT project partners met in San Daniele del Friuli, in Italian region Friuli-Venezia Giulia. This town is considered one of the pearls of Friuli Venezia Giulia, known around the world for its production of smoked trout but above all for its prosciutto ham with an inimitable taste, thanks to the unique microclimate and a thousand year old tradition.

The CE-HEAT project partners gathered on the 6th Project Meeting  to discuss project progress, and plan future activities of the project.

Matteo Mazzolini (APE FVG) opened the meeting with a welcome speech while Nina Taylor (E-zavod) chaired the two day discussions.   

During the meeting all work packages were presented, issues and challenges discussed and decision made on how to proceed with project activities.  

Project communication manager Andreja Šajnovič (E-zavod) presented main achievements for this reporting period and the communication plan for next period, with focus on planning the final conference. Anna Sappa (APE FVG) presented on implementation of regional waste heat cadastres, which are now live for 6 participating regions and represent an important resource for identification of regional waste heat potential. A beta version of waste heat utilization toolbox was presented by Anna Nowacka (Poltegor). This investment support tool is in the final stages of development and will soon be ready for testing by pilot projects. A discussion on the implementation of pilot projects was led by Czech partners (NCEU and UJEP). Anton Wetzel (ThEGA) led the debate on development of the regional WH utilization plans and transnational waste heat utilization platform.

At the end of a two-day meeting the Steering Committee overviewed progress activity, discussed open issues and passed decisions on project tasks. 

The next project meeting is scheduled for December 2018 in Erfurt and will be organised by ThEGA.

Project Group Meeting in San Daniele, Italy
Project Group Meeting in San Daniele, Italy
Project Group Meeting in San Daniele, Italy