LOW-CARB in the 2019 EU Mobility Week
This week marks the 18th annual European Mobility Week!
“Since 2002, EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK has sought to improve public health and quality of life through promoting clean mobility and sustainable urban transport. The campaign gives people the chance to explore the role of city streets and to experiment with practical solutions to tackle urban challenges, such as air pollution.”
This year the European Mobility Week (EMW) will be held during the 16th – 22nd of September. LOW-CARB's partners have planned several exciting actions in their cities all encouraging lifestyles of low carbon mobility.

LOW CARB partner city 2019 EMW events
Leipzig (DE) has over 33 actions planned, but boasts an innovative app-based audio guided walking tour through the inner city, as part of this year's "safe walking and cycling" theme. One of the activities in Parma (IT) is a conference for over 70 local mobility managers who will be networking and discussing how to better facilitate low-carbon mobility. Brno (CZ) will hold its main event at their Traffic Education Centre where participants will learn about safety and sustainability aspects of mobility from the City of Brno, its public transport company (Brněnské komunikace a. s), and the state police. Krakow has a jaw-dropping program filled with park-and-ride events, a toddlers march, safety roadshows, picnics, electric bus demonstrations, and SO MUCH MORE! Click on each of the cities to view their full EMW program including Skawina, who has planned presentations, cycling events, games and competitions, as well as free bus travel on September 22nd for World Car Free Day!
Imagery including header have been adapted without permission from EMW's website (www.mobilityweek.eu ; 2019).