The FabLabNet Project has been launched!
Project Partners, Associated partners, Stakeholders, Policy makers and Innovators have met in Budapest on March 28th for the Launching Event.
More than 80 participants have cooperated in the successful launch of the Project. A whole day of interesting Presentations and Exhibitions including examples of innovations, cooperation, open industry, rounded off with thematic meetings and networking.
-Welcome speech by David Pap (FabLab Budapest)
-Introduction to the FabLabNet Project - Our Aims and Hopes by Antonia Caola (MUSE)
-Video message of Neil Gerschenfeld
-Keynote speaker and moderator: Ivana Gadjanski
-Presentation by György Greskovics
-Keynote speaker and moderator: Jari Ognibeni (Industrio Ceo & Company Builder)
-Presentation by Ádám Lipécz (SHOKA CTO)
-Keynote speaker and moderator: György Bögel (CEU)
The photos of the event are here. Take a look!