The 1st Open HoCare2.0 transregional conference is successfully over

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Our Italian partner organized the 1st Open HoCare2.0 virtually. Despite the huge amount of similar events, the conference attracted many visitors who learned about co-creation, opportunities and challenges connected to Silver Economy. 

The conference has been divided into three 2-hour-long parts to keep it entertaining for the audience. The 1st part took part already on October 21st with the goal to introduce HoCare2.0 project, our goals and achievements. 

Mr Ákos Szepvolgyi from CTRIA, presented the Challenges of Silver economy and home care solutions. "The European population is ageing and soon, there will be not enough carers for the elderly. It brings the need for innovative home care solutions to allow the carers' to work effectively". Solution to this is support of SMEs to deliver innovative home care products and Public service providers that will deploy these products.

"Innovations will be delivered as result of close cooperation of Quadruple Helix actors (Academia, Industry, End-users and Public service providers) to solve real needs of the elderly. To meet their needs, we need to involve the eldery to the product design process", said Mr Csaba Bende, HoCare2.0 project manager, CTRIA.

The next speaker was Angelo Gatto from Finlombarda s.p.a who introduced the Region Open Innovation Platform launched to aggregate the community of innovation and research professionals, provide tools to facilitate idea sharing, access to competencies, creation and management of projects, valorization of results and dissemination.

In 5 years, the platform has over 20.000 participants, therefore, Open Innovation is something we should pursue. 

To show how co-creation works in praxis, we have had Mr Iacopo Buzzi from Cluster Tav. "Cluster Tav is fostering research and innovation in the field of technologies for life and facilitating interactions between research organizations, SMEs and policy makers.", says Mr Buzzi. Over 40 subjects have joined forces, including companies, research centres, universities, hospitals and more associations.

Last presentation was given by Mr Livio De Nardi from ARIA SpA on Innovation in eHealth. By eHealth, we mean telemedicine, AI, big data, eProcurement, electronic medical records, etc. "Digital Information Hub (DIH) is an innovative technical-organizational model that allows research bodies, Italian and international universities and regional system bodies to access regional information assets to carry out scientific research projects to support the objectives of the Region Lombardy." introduced Mr Livio great example of using eHealth solutions. 

Presentations from the 2nd part of the conference focused on Public service providers and use of the Policy Tool are available. 3rd part will be added soon!