Inclusion of waste heat cadastres in local energy planning
By including waste heat cadastres in local energy planning, municipalities will be able to estimate the waste energy in productive processes and to evaluate the amount of recoverable energy.
In this pilot will be involved selected municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia region.
All the territory, especially production sites and energy suppliers
APE FVG will include waste heat cadastres in local energy planning strategies in a permanent way, in order to make municipalities acknowledged of heat wasted in their territories and of its recovery potential.
APE FVG estimates to involve in this pilot at least 20 municipalities through their SEAPs implementation. Every 2 years SEAPs are subject to an audit to check results, in order to give support and to stimulate the reach of energy efficiency objectives.
Using waste heat cadastre municipalities will be allowed to consider this energy sources in the local planning, in particular with respect to infrastructures (e.g. district heating) and to the localization of new productive and residential sites.
Good planning with a sustainable approach will add value to the municipalities territory, saving money and preserving the environment.
Applicability: Total (to each municipality but also at different levels)