Integration of Waste Heat Utilization in the Energy and Climate Strategy of Thuringia
The policy pilot project is relevant for the Federal State of Thuringia (DEG).
The benefit of the pilot is that WH utilization becomes an official part in the energy strategy. This is the basis if there is a need for further support to push the topic (financial or human resources). Furthermore, it becomes additional attention in the public reception and especially to create a higher awareness of WH utilization in companies. However, it is still necessary to implement real thematic pilot projects to develop best practice examples and to demonstrate their technical and economic feasibility. There is a high need for implementation of at least a few projects in different applications. These actions have to go hand in hand with strong communication and dissemination activities.
Regional government , ThEGA
The policy pilot project aimed to integrate the waste heat cadaster and the toolbox into regional energy strategy of Thuringia.
The process for developing the regional energy strategy started in 2015 with a preliminary study including the calculations of scenarios which was developed by the Leipziger Institute of Energy. Afterwards a broad stakeholder participation process started. During this participation process ThEGA was involved to discuss possible actions regarding waste heat utilization. ThEGA participated into two workshops in 2017 where the CE-HEAT project was presented. Finally, the waste heat utilization was addressed in the action plan as an individual project description for the industry sector “W-04: Improvement of WH utilization in the industry sector (Steigerung der Nutzung industrieller und gewerblicher Abwärme)” on page 72. The following instruments are part of this WH utilization measurement:
- Study WH potentials and WH Technologies (will be part of the Regional WH Utilization Action Plan)
- Development of a WH cadastre (is already published on ThEGAs website)
- Information und consulting services through best practice examples
- Integration of WH utilization in the planning of new industrial areas (is a topic in the regional steering group meeting)

Source of the map: Thueringer Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation/ ThEGA