Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)

IOER is a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary institution that implements research pertaining to fundamental issues of ecologically-based spatial development research on national, European, and international levels. The overall focus of the IOER involves the comprehensive analysis of development requirements of regional, town and landscape development within the framework of sustainable development and related recent trends in building and housing. The institute is comprised of the following divisions: regional development and landscape ecology, urban development and urban ecology, housing and building ecology, as well as central tasks and geoinformation. The IOER regularly cooperates with a large number of partners in science, politics and administration.
IOER is leading Thematic Work Package 1 and provide expert knowledge in remote-sensing and environmental assessment. We will undertake the transnational remote-sensing assessment with other partners and report back on the results for their region and feeding into the Manual of Transnational GI assessment. In Thematic Work Package 2 GI functionality assessment IOER will test the approach in the case study area tri-border area of the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. In Thematic Work Package 3, together with regional stakeholders, the PBA Tool will be developed and applied to the case study area to develop a Green Infrastructure Strategy and action plan.
During MaGICLandscapes IOER is cooperating with the following Associated Institutions:
- Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection, Department Jelenia Gora (PL)
- Armillaria Liberec – Basic Organization of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (CZ)
- Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture (DE)
- Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Chair of Landscape Ecology (DE)
- Friends of the Earth Germany, Regional Association Saxony (DE)
Contact: Dr. Henriette John