Martjanci, 27th november.
Development agency of Sinergija and Local Energy Agency Pomurje, under the project Rures, organized 1st Local support meeting for Pomurje region that that has taken place in Martjanci, Motel Čarda. Key actors in region Pomurje were invited to participate in Local Support Group (LSG). The RURES project is funded from the programme Interreg Central Europe 2014-2020.
To the participants were introduced the agenda and aim of meeting. The aim of meeting was to get to know each other, receive an overview and common understanding of project Rures, LSG and program Interreg Central Europe. It was presented that within the countries participating in the RURES project, the Local Support Group will be established, which will form the regional energy network.
LSG will ensure the transfer of good and bad practices in Slovenia between municipalities. Into the local support group will be included important representatives (municipalities, regional agencies, energy, economies, etc.) and will take care of the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Plan. A cooperation agreement will be signed between individual LSGs. The LSG will ensure the transfer of good and bad practices in Slovenia between municipalities.
The participants agreed that the Slovenian partners in the Rures project, will sign a cooperation agreement between LSG groups and will coordinate the LSG. All invited partners agree to participate in LSG. They also talked about the E-TREE and about the possibilities where it could be placed.
Participants: Ludvik Novak (The mayor of Municipality Puconci), Mateja Fujs (Municipality Puconci), Iztok Jerebic (Municipality Beltinci), Borut Zrim (Pomurje Technology Park), Jasmina Perkič (LEA Pomurje), Jasmin Kukec (Smart hous Martjanci), Miha Mohor (Association of Municipalities and towns of Slovenia (SOS)), Bojan Vogrinčič (LEA Pomurje), Jožek Špilak (DA Sinergija), Branko Drvarič (President of Regional Development Council of the Pomurje Region) - confirmed cooperation via phone.

11.00 - 11.30 Arrivals of participants
11.35 - 11.40 - Point 1. Opening of the project partner RA Sinergija
11.40 - 11.50 - Point 2. Presentation of the RURES project, the Interreg Central Europe program and the role of the Local Support Group
11.50 - 12.20 - Point 3. Content:
- Examples of good practices for financing alternative energy sources;
- transferring know-how from the RURES generation process towards the preparation of a joint analysis of good practice examples of financing alternative energy sources for Pomurje.