A peer to peer training @Žilina Municipality
The 2nd local workshop, as a follow-up activity after the study visit in Torino, took place on March 20th 2018 at Municipality office in Žilina.
Aim of workshop was to inform city workers and experts about project activities, planned pilot actions and mainly about news and information stemming from Torino transport system and study visit. Participants where from interested local institutions/organisations, mainly from municipality office of Žilina working on project topics.
Debates concerned information about Interreg program, SOLEZ project and its activities (Action plan, communication activities, etc). The most important part was the presentation of SOLEZ pilot actions (electrification in transport system and smart parking).
Following debates, open discussion started with participants to gather opinions, ideas and suggestions around project topics and actions. Stakeholder from university and energy company talked about further and new possibilities in transport that city can implement.